
A shy Kherson boy, Poirot loves to eat. He treats strangers with some distrust, but if you show patience and appease him with something, he will be happy to caress you, butt your palm with his forehead and enjoy life. Poirot is a cat of mood, and when he doesn’t like something, he can hit with his paw. Sometimes his eyes leak a little.

Unfortunately, due to the hard life on the street, Poirot is sick with feline viral immunodeficiency. Feline viral immunodeficiency is absolutely not dangerous for people and all animals except other cats. Therefore, Poirot can only be the only cat in the house. This disease is not a death sentence; a cat can live a long, rich life with proper care and attention. You can read more about this here: https://hatul-madan.org/blogs/FIV 

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