Who are we? People rescuing animals affected by the war. Why? Because we couldn't walk past. Mahatma Gandhi said: "The greatness and moral progress of a nation can be measured by how this nation treats animals." And when the war engulfed our country, we knew for sure that it was necessary to save not only people, but also our small furry friends.
The history of our organization began with a shelter for animals evacuated from the Kyiv region after the de-occupation. The Kyiv Polytechnic Institute generously provided us with premises free of charge, and friends and volunteers installed the first kennels in an emergency mode in just a few days. It was a cold, unkind spring of 2022, and we brought dozens of cats and dogs from the barbarously destroyed Irpin, Gostomel and Bucha. Hungry, sick, but alive. Someone hid from the bombing and got lost, someone was abandoned in the bustle, some owners could not or did not have time to take pets with them. They waited for months, and we came for them.
We named our shelter "Hatul Madan" - "Educated Cat" - after all, our first wards were saved within the walls of the Polytechnic Institute. A month later, the warehouse was full. Cats meowed, dogs barked. Someone was waiting for a meeting with the old owners, someone was looking for new ones. Kittens were born in the kennels - fluffy children of war. We learned from our mistakes, we were helped by volunteers and wonderful organizations, people from all over Ukraine and beyond. The shelter has been enriched by "educated" kittens and puppies. Hundreds of stories passed through our walls. Sad, scary and joyful.

We could be a little shelter, but when there's disaster around, the best thing you can do is try to help. This is how the Public Association "Hatul Madan" was born.
Now our shelter in Kyiv is located on Amosova street, 9. Here we accept cats and dogs rescued from war zones. The shelter is open 24/7, and we welcome guests and volunteers everyday.
Our mission is to help the animals affected by the war in Ukraine. We are engaged in the evacuation and rescue of animals from the zones of active hostilities and occupied territories, the treatment and search for a new families for cats and dogs. So far, we have evacuated and handed over to old and new owners more than 150 animals. And we will continue to rescue our defenseless animals for as long as it takes.