3000 ₴ / month

In every Winston's 'movement, in his manners and appearance, you can feel the breed, the inner natural nobility. We know nothing about Winston’s life before he went to the shelter, but we can assume that the purebred cat was a domestic cat for many years, until tragic circumstances deprived him of his family - that’s how Winston ended up on the street. This handsome Persian has a white spot in his eye, but his vision is fine. Winston loves people and soft beds very much. This is a calm, mature cat, affectionate even towards strangers. Unfortunately, due to the hardship of living on the street, Winston suffers from viral immunodeficiency of cats.

Viral immunodeficiency of cats is totally not dangerous for people and the rest of the animals, except of the other cats. That means that Winston can be the only one cat in the house. This disease is not a death sentence; a cat can live a long, rich life with proper care and attention. You can read more about this here:

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Petite, timid Gerda loves to invent new games with people.

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